My Sign Is Taurus

About Taurus

  • Taurus zodiac sign elements

    Taurus Symbols And Associations | Taurus Zodiac Sign Elements

    Are you curious in learning all there is to know about the zodiac sign of Taurus? Here are Taurus symbols and associations that define them. If they’re stubborn, luxurious, and practical, then odds are, they’re a Taurean. But the best indicator that a person is a Taurus is if he/she is born between April 20 […] Read more…

  • Sun, Moon, And Planets In Taurus Sign

    What to Know About Sun, Moon, and Planets in Taurus Signs

    Interested in learning more about your Taurus sign? Here’s all you wanted to know about the sun, moon, and planets in Taurus signs. Looking at the stars in the night sky is something that has always been done by human beings even before you were born. But more than that, some individuals dug a little […] Read more…

Taurus Traits

Taurus Love

  • Tips For Texting With A Taurus Man

    10 Brilliant Tips For Texting With A Taurus Man

    With a little patience and texting, you can effectively talk with a Taurus guy! Slide into his DMs the right way. The following are tips for texting a Taurus man. Do you have your eyes set on a Taurus man? Well, no one can blame you, really, because who wouldn’t want someone as hardworking, sensual, […] Read more…

  • How Does A Taurus Man Test You (And Tips to Deal) (1)

    How Does A Taurus Man Test You? (And Tips to Deal)

    Taurus males are warm, sweet, and dependable. But like most men, they can also play games with people. In fact, it’s common for the Taurus sign to do this while in a relationship. What’s more, they’re known for taking their time when it comes to love. If your Taurus guy is like any other Taurus […] Read more…

Taurus Compatibility

  • Zodiac Signs That Make Good Friends or Bad Enemies for a Taurus sign

    Zodiac Signs That Make Good Friends Or Bad Enemies For A Taurus

    Thinking about a friendship or relationship with a Taurus? Consider these zodiac signs that can be good friends or bad enemies with a Taurus. No matter how charming you can be, not everyone can be your best friend. That’s just a fact of life. This is true for everyone, and Taurus is definitely not an […] Read more…

  • 3 Zodiac Signs That Are Least Compatible With Taurus

    3 Zodiac Signs That Are Least Compatible With Taurus

    Please leave it to Taurus people to be the most loyal to their partners. After all, they’re all about finding “The One.” And as a sign that Venus’s ruled, Taurus often gets reeled in by pretty face and status. The thing is, many Taurus seem to be magnets of those who aren’t as commitment-oriented as […] Read more…